Great Mental Health Day Open-day

On Friday 26th January, we hosted an open day unveiling our brand-new community hub at Great Western Studios to coincide with Thrive London’s Great Mental Health Day.

The event aimed to bring together individuals from all walks of life to celebrate mental health and shine a light on our wellbeing programme. Turnout on the day far exceeded our expectations and the whole studio hummed with the sounds of friendly chatter by mid-afternoon. Tables around the room offered a variety of taster activities, providing opportunities to explore and engage with a wide range of BWW Mind-run community programmes. This included music production with Music in Mind and arts and crafts with our Portugal Prints team. Completed art pieces from Portugal Prints also decorated the studio walls in recognition of the time and talent of our service users and allowed a window into the importance of creative expression on mental health. 

The initial hustle and bustle was followed by a calmer, more relaxed atmosphere as all attendees were invited to participate in a moment of mindfulness, run by Alina (who currently delivers our 6-week mindfulness course at Great Western Studios and our ongoing yoga and get active groups). Participants were collectively guided through reflective techniques and breathing exercises, exploring how mindfulness can help us manage our mental health in our daily lives.

Tom Acres, our brilliant Community Lead, followed this session with a speech welcoming and thanking all those who attended, recalling the success of the community programme so far and informing all about the exciting projects we have on offer

Following this, Matt from “Wondering Minds” talked about our partnership on the Unfolding Minds – Collaborative Filmmaking project, showcasing one of the many fantastic films produced. The short film provided insight into a service user’s journey with mental health, helping to raise awareness, reduce stigma, and promote understanding.

To conclude the event, Ellen from Step Change Studios invited everyone to join her in the dance. The room was quickly filled with smiles, laughter, and shuffling feet.

Thanks to the very kind donations from Farm Girl café in Notting Hill and Waitrose Bayswater, providing all attendees with a selection of wonderful pastries, kombucha and other refreshments.

The launch of our new community space at Great Western Studios was one to remember for its bringing together of our community, creativity, and collaboration in fostering mental well-being. The event left a lasting impression, reminding everyone that support, understanding, and celebration are essential in the journey toward better mental health.

Posted on: 26th March 2024

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