11 to 16 year olds with a probable mental disorder were less likely to feel safe at school (61.2%) than those unlikely to have a mental disorder (89.2%). They were also less likely to report enjoyment of learning or having a friend they could turn to for support.

Thanks to funding received from the David Ridell Trust and Brent Health Matters, we are currently able to offer workshops and training programmes for students in Brent secondary schools, which are designed to address the unique mental health needs of young people. We collaborate closely with schools to tailor each session, ensuring that they equip students with practical tools and strategies to manage their mental health effectively as they develop. Our goal is to foster a sense of capability and confidence in supporting their wellbeing.

Benefits of our workshops

  • Tailored Content: Each workshop is tailored to meet the specific needs of the students, ensuring relevance and effectiveness.
  • Practical Skills: Students acquire practical tools and strategies that they can use immediately to manage their mental health.
  • Interactive Learning: Our sessions are designed to be interactive and engaging, leading to active participation and a deeper understanding.
  • Supportive Environment: We create a safe and supportive environment where students feel comfortable discussing mental health issues.
  • Education – students are taught to recognise when something isn’t right and seek support
  • Long-Term Impact: By equipping students with these skills, we aim to have a lasting positive impact on their mental health and overall wellbeing.
  • Students are provided with options for further support, either through the school or through the options listed in a signposting booklet provided to every young person who participates

The training session gave time, space and direction to think about mental health.

The facilitation always brings out great engagement.

Topics covered:



Body Image

Building Resilience


Challenging Unhelpful Thoughts


Depression and Low Mood

Relationships Online and Offline

SEND Awareness

Social Media

Supporting your own and your friends’ Mental Health

Talking Male Mental Health

Time Management and Procrastination


Transition to Adult Life

Exam Stress



Making Friends and Peer Pressure

Managing Emotions

Mental Health Awareness

