• This service is available to residents of:

  • Westminster
  • Access to this service is by:

  • GP Referral
  • School Referral
  • Self-refer

Our newly established mental health youth hub, made possible through government backing, is designed to offer support to more young people across Westminster. The initiative will provide a safe and supportive environment where young people can access a range of wellbeing services tailored to meet the diverse needs of young people ensuring that they have access to timely and effective mental health support.

What we offer:

1:1 Support

Young people can access evidence-based support and groups such as art & music therapies, to address concerns and learn to cope with challenges.

Group Workshops

Interactive sessions are aimed at supporting young people to develop resilience, coping strategies, and enhancing social support networks.

Opening Hours

For the first time, we offer evening and weekend psychoeducational groups. This will increase access to support.

Other Support

We address day-to-day worries, exam stress, relationships, anxiety, and low mood the best we can or signpost to other relevant organisations for issues such as employment, sexual health, substance use, financial stress, etc.

Who’s it for:

  • This support is tailored to meet the unique needs of young people between the ages of 11-25 group
  • Young people with mild to moderate needs like anxiety and low mood
  • Young people who have interest in creative arts like art and music or willing to engage with others with similar worries and concerns in workshops that suit their interests
  • Those that are willing to shape these workshops by giving views and opinions that could help us to provide services young people need and please keep us informed about the progress they make

How to access us:

Our youth hub is conveniently located at two accessible addresses. Please keep an eye on the timetable to ensure you go to the right place.

  • 23 Monck Street, London, SW1P 2AE
  • Studio 125, Great Western Studios, 65 Alfred Rd, W2 5EU

1:1 support and Art Therapy

  • Referrals can be received via the form below. Young people can self-refer or professionals/parents/guardians can refer on behalf of the young people. 
Click here for the referral form (under 16s require parents/carers to complete this form, over 16s can self-refer)

Referrer’s Details (when referral completed by someone other than CYP)

This section must be completed by a healthcare professional or a parent/carer (with consent of the young person) if the young person is under 16. If you are over 16, please skip to the section below.
Agency details, name, address, phone number, email

Details of the Young Person

Name, phone, email, etc.

GP Details


For children and young people aged between 11 and 16 years, consent must obtained from both the child/young person and parent/carer/guardian.

Young Person Consent

The only time we will break this confidentiality is if we are concerned that there is a serious risk of harm to you or someone else. We store information on our Database system. This is confidential and cannot be accessed by anyone outside of our service. We do share anonymous information with NHS England and other statutory bodies that monitor our performance. This information may include details on the number of people we see, what type of treatment they receive, or if they recovered. This does not include your name, address, contact details etc. You have the right to opt-out of your confidential patient information being used by the NHS. If you wish to do so please visit the following website: https://www.nhs.uk/your-nhs-data-matters/ Alternatively, you can call 0300 303 5678 to opt out. Services with which data may be shared: A service that the client is already accessing / due to access / has recently accessed. A new service (referral) that would benefit the client (The client requires a different service from what is being offered by BWW Mind). NHS England’s Mental Health Services Data Set. This is a national data set, which collects data on all clients in England receiving emotional wellbeing and mental health services through NHS-funded interventions.

Consent from parent/carer

This section must be completed if the young person is under 16 years old.
This person must have legal parental responsibility for the child / young person.
The only time we will break this confidentiality is if we are concerned that there is a serious risk of harm to you or someone else. We store information on our Database system. This is confidential and cannot be accessed by anyone outside of our service. We do share anonymous information with NHS England and other statutory bodies that monitor our performance. This information may include details on the number of people we see, what type of treatment they receive, or if they recovered. This does not include your name, address, contact details etc. You have the right to opt-out of your confidential patient information being used by the NHS. If you wish to do so please visit the following website: https://www.nhs.uk/your-nhs-data-matters/ Alternatively, you can call 0300 303 5678 to opt out. Services with which data may be shared: A service that the client is already accessing / due to access / has recently accessed. A new service (referral) that would benefit the client (The client requires a different service from what is being offered by BWW Mind). NHS England’s Mental Health Services Data Set. This is a national data set, which collects data on all clients in England receiving emotional wellbeing and mental health services through NHS-funded interventions.

Psychoeducational evening and weekend workshops:

  • No referrals are required for psychoeducational evening and weekend workshops however we will need to obtain some basic descriptive information for our records.
If you are interested in these sessions only, please click here

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